Monday, December 20, 2010

New Year’s resolution: Cure your “existential” hangover

New years is the opening of a fresh, new, year according to the calendar, but actuality it’s just another day — no different than yesterday.  But then again, any excuse to get drunk is a good one: Break-ups or Unions, Bankruptcy or Successful business, illness or perfect health conditions.
Its also they where promises are made to start making the right decisions forthwith.

All the same, every year when the New Year rolls around, you find people wracking their brain to think of resolutions to improve their life. They've probably found from experience that resolving to win the lottery is not likely to happen, because as they say (not that I've ever figured out who "they" are), "Ya gotta play to win."

Obviously, gets better results whoever make resolutions that are a sure thing. Stuff like, “learn how to cook," or "Sleep whenever possible." A simple and achievable resolution can be: start the New Year without hangover!

New Year's Eve is the night when millions of toasts are made. But the next day, many will suffer the consequences - the dreaded hangover headache.  As wonderful as the New Year's Eve party might have been, partygoers who overdid it at the bar will spend New Year's Day tormented by a hangover.  The typical symptoms are fatigue, headache, joint pain and an upset stomach that typically includes vomiting and pain.

Are you wondering if you can make it through this New Year's morning without suffering from the dreaded party hangover? Whether you have a couple of glasses of wine or go for a hard boozing night of holiday revelry, a hangover can get you.

That’s when the wise guy inside of you should look for a solution that make your first day of the year THE GREAT DAY OF THE YEAR. If you think about it, the last day is to be forgotten, and the first you will carry with you during the other 364 days. So chose wisely the hangover prevention method you will go for. Go for natural and eco-friendly products - yes sir, going green should be on your resolutions.  Trust the ones that have been in the market long enough to prove their efficacy, for example, Security Feel Better.

Every man should be born again on the first day of January.  Start with a fresh page. Start with simples but realistic resolutions that can change your every day, like not suffering hangovers anymore!

Ahhh, finally—something you can achieve!

Cheers to a fresh new year and an extra chance for us to get it right with Security Feel Better!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Creative & Funny Secret Santa Gift Ideas

Buying Christmas presents for your friends, family and co-workers can be a serious business.
However, a creative Christmas gift is the perfect way to bring some holiday fun.

You also have to consider the fact that the gift should be unique, all while staying in a relatively low budget. Sure, plenty of people will head straight to their local mega–mart to pick up a generic gift card.

Buy a fun and entertaining gift. Depending on how well you know the person, a smart humorous gift could be a nice touch as a Secret Santa present, and you can find one of a kind gift ideas based on your Secret Santa's personality.
You don't want to buy a humorous Christmas gift to just anyone - for instance, probably not your boss - but for your older brother or the guy at the office who is always making fun of everyone, sure. You can even give them out as party favors at your Christmas celebrations. 
This is where we come in!  
Here is a fun, creative, original idea for your gift to spice up this year's Secret Santa.

For that guy in the office who is always coming late to work, saying that party was amazing last night, a bottle of anti-hangover beverage will help him to get back on track… and be more Productive!! 

Get yours now:

Cool Corporate Christmas Gift for Employees

Christmas time provides a perfect opportunity for any business to present a special gift to an employee who has continued to provide excellent service to the company.

However, we know that picking holiday gifts for employees can be a frustrating task.
Of course, each employee has a different idea of what the best holiday gift is, so picking gifts that will make everyone happy may seem impossible.
Nevertheless, with a little thought and planning, finding the best holiday gifts for employees doesn't have to be so complicated.

Gifts don't have to be expensive to be appreciated! A well-picked creative gift is the perfect way to bring some holiday fun.

The most favorite corporate Christmas gift ideas involve giving employees or business associates something to indulge in. Most gourmet goodies tend to go down well with employees.

Therefore, presenting the recipients with a fun and entertaining gourmet gift:
A premium anti-hangover beverage will spice up the Christmas celebration, and will help employees to get back on track… and be productive the day after the parties at the office.

Get yours now:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Security Feel Better Announces winners of Facebook Event

Just in time for the holiday season, and 5 lucky guys will receive the hottest anti-hangover drink for FREE!

They joined our Facebook Launching event and will be delighted with 4 bottles each.

So, without further adieu, the winners are (chosen by Random Number Generator):
James Shepard
Bryan Absolute
Richard Collins
Stephanie Lord
Susan Gonzalez

We will send you an email or you can email us at and provide us with your mailing address so that we ship your products to you.

Thank you all for participating!